Monday, April 25, 2011

CVS - Last week

Passover/Easter dinner. Makes dinner interesting.

Busy week/weekend. I got the chance to enjoy some time with my parents and latter my Sweetheart's parents this weekend. Just a good time to relax. I'm happy to say with the holiday I'm able to take an extra day off this week from CVS. Yippee! I could have used the extra to pay for student loans, but I'm just so tired of working. (Even though I got a short 'vacation' right before this. It was only one day worth!)

Any who . . . On ward with the shopping! My mom asked for some Godiva Chocolate. She said she saw it on sale at CVS. Alas I think she got her weeks confused. Matters not as one of her favorites was on clearance for 75% off! With $1/2 coupons from the papers I was happy to buy up all we had.

6 Godiva Chocolate Orange Bars @ $1.04 each
Total Before Coupons: $6.24

3 $1/2 Godiva Bars or Bags (I forget how much it had to weigh.)
Net: $3.24 cost! $.54/bar is great!

We ran out of the Aqua Fresh toothpaste & toothbrushes for kids before I had even gotten to work at the beginning of the week. I grabbed rain checks to be sure I could get them latter. Some of the toothpaste came in on the truck. I briefly thought about buying them all, but only grabbed two. I figured if they were on the shelf when I was leaving Saturday I would get them. They were gone. I'll just wait. It's not like I need to make a special trip or something. :-P Also found bath sponges (or whatever they're called) on clearance!

2 Aqua Fresh Kids Toothpaste @ $1.00 each = $2.00
5 Bath Sponges @ $.50 each = $2.50 (90% off clearance!)
2 Head & Shoulders @ $4.99 each = $9.98
Orbit Gum $1.49
Orbit Gum FREE (BOGO sale)
Reach Toothbrush $1.00 (Not regularly carried? Somehow we had one.)
Total Before Coupons: $16.97

2 $1/1 Aqua Fresh Kids Toothpaste
$4.99 BOGO Head & Shoulders
$2/1 Head & Shoulders (P&G Have You Tried This mailer)
$1/2 Orbit Gum
$1/1 Reach Toothbrush (listed w/ a bunch of other J&J oral items)
Total After Coupons: $5.98

$2 EB Head & Shoulders
$1 EB Green Bag Tag (I'll try to put this in when I remember it.)
Net: $2.98 cost

Let's go for another good week!

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