Two CVS trips. One from last week, no time to actually write about this.
last week I bought:
Dawn Hand Care Dish Soap 9.5oz $.84
2 Rimmel Lip Gloss $3.98 ($1.99 each, clearance!)
Bert's Bees Lip Balm $2.99
Total Before Coupons: $7.81
Coupon Dawn $.84 (Adjusted down from $1/1, Simple Home booklet)
2 Coupons Rimmel $1.99 (Adjusted down from $2.00/1, no longer available)
Coupon CVS Bert's Bees Face $2.99 (Adjusted down from $3.00/1, CVS coupon machine)
Total After Coupons: FREE + $.25 green bag tag scan
This week (Sunday) I bought:
2 Old Spice Body wash $8.00 ($4.00 each)
2 Stride Gum $2.58 ($1.29 each)
Total Before Coupons: $10.58
Coupon Old Spice Body wash BOGO $4.00
Coupon Stride Gum BOGO $1.29
Total After Coupons: $5.29
EB printed at the bottom:
$8.00 Old Spice Body Wash
Net: $2.71 profit + $.25 green bag tag scan
I could have had a higher if I hadn't bought the gum. I'm completely out and figured I would still net a profit using the coupon. I had thought about using two different coupons for the body wash which would have gotten me free deodorant. (Buy One body wash Get One deodorant free, Buy One deodorant Get One body wash free) A quick check at the supplies tells me we don't need any for the moment. Better to have a bit of a $$ maker instead.
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