BTS Ruler $.89 (10% discount)
BTS 2pk Erasers $.89 (10% discount)
Pilot EZ Touch $2.06 (10% discount)
2 Pilot EZ Touch Blue @ $2.06 each = $4.12 (10% discount)
Dr Grip Center of Gravity $7.19 (10% discount, placed on the wrong peg as I thought it was $2.29! Return.)
Dayquil Sinus 20ct $5.00
Total Before Coupons: $20.15
$4/1 Dayquil Sinus
Total After Coupons: $16.15 (used $10 +up, .46 tax, $6.61 GC)
$2 +up wyb 2 A&W products
2 $4 +up wyb two Pilot Pens
$2 +up Nyquil
Net: $4.15 cost (+$.46 tax)
Return! (I hate doing returns, but I would have never bought an $8 pen!)
$7.19 + tax(?) = $7.19 GC
Grand Net: $3.04 profit
I plan on buying another pen because I wouldn't have other wise gotten the $4 +up wyb two Pilot Pens. We'll see if they have them in stock latter this week. Thank goodness these deals are good for almost a month. Here's hoping I can get more.
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