Saturday, January 1, 2011

CVS - On Time!

I'm so glad that I had an extra day off this week. I really needed a bit of a recharge. I've been able to get the living area cleaned up & I'm getting to post on my blog! W00T! I could use a few more days, but I need to get some money quick because Lizzy stalled again on Thursday morning. Not much luck in my car search so far. At least CVS had my favorite tea on sale this week. ^_^

See how much I love this tea? I already drank a bottle before arriving at home. I just could not resist.

6 Honest Tea @ $1.00 each = $6.00
Tone Body Wash $3.88
Total Before Coupons: $9.88

3 $.50/1 Honest Tea (Manufacture Web Site, wish I could get more)
$1/1 Tone Body Wash
Total After Coupons: $7.38

$2 EB wyb 3 Honest Tea (also included vitamin water, but I'm not a fan)
$3 EB Tone Body Wash
Net: $2.38 cost

I told my mom about the tea coupons & she had me print them at her house. We used my dad's card and did the same deal but only got 3 bottles. A very happy Mutti. (FYI: Mutti is German for mother.)

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I love the empty bottle! Don't you love it when just what you love is a great deal? Thanks for linking up your CVS shopping trip at Simply CVS.
