I went back to my 'normal' store in hopes that I might be able to grab up some tape or Revlon tools. No such luck. Very disappointing. I was told they will not get a truck until Friday. I need to be at work until close on Friday and I open on Saturday. I'm afraid by the time I would get there the stock will be no more. None of the MM toys people have mentioned in the forums & blogs could be found.
I did manage to find one hidden bath sponge & one pumice stone! Grab a toothpaste & away we go! Too bad Sourpuss was the one who rang me up and spoiled my mood a bit. Smile Sourpuss! It's part of your job. It's a part of my job too, you know? She's the only there that seems to always be unhappy.
Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste 6.0oz $3.50
Pumice Stone $1.99
Bath Sponge $.99 (50% off)
Total: $6.48 (used $6 +up) + $.02 tax
No Coupons
$3.50 +up Colgate
$5 +up Eco Tools
Net: $2.02 profit (- $.02 tax)
I have decided to be adventurous. I went looking for another Rite Aid to continue my quest on gathering as many of these items as I can. I went to one other that I've past by when taking my car to the shop. They were also out of tape, eco tools, toys & mostly out of Revlon. I figured I wasn't going to find anything good so why not get what I can? (Wish I had remembered the $3 RA Revlon Coupon. I even printed it out! Would have bought something more appealing to myself.)
Revlon Compact Nail Clipper $.87
Revlon Nail Clipper $1.31
Total: $2.18 (used $2 +up) + $.02 tax
$2 +up wyb 2 Revlon
$1 SCR Revlon tool
Net: $.82 profit (- $.02 tax)
On my way back home I spotted another Rite Aid going a slightly different route than normal. I pass by this one whenever Sweetheart & I head out to Friendly's. I forget about this one because it's oddly connected to a gas station or something? The sign is just so small!
Tape Jackpot! Sort of . . . I was able to buy 10 rolls of tape for the BOGO free deal. When I asked the cashier about eco bath sponge she remembered one hanging by itself on the cosmetic wall. Perfect! I spotted a single pack of facial sponges in one aisle. (Not near anything else like it. This Rite Aid is set up a little funny.) I was going to pick up another tube of toothpaste, but they didn't carry that kind. I might have to stop at this place first for some hard to find items. A limited selection of items?
Eco Tools Bath Sponge $1.79 (10% discount? why? No idea, but there it is)
Eco Tool Facial Sponge $1.49 (50%, I'm confused are you? Really looking at my receipt now.)
5 RA Invisible Tape @ $1.49 each = $7.45
5 RA Invisible Tape $0.00 (BOGO FREE)
Total: $10.73 (used $10 +up) + $.05 tax
10 $1 +up RA tape
$5 +up wyb 2 Eco Tools (kind of surprised I got it now that I see the % off appear to be incorrect. Not that I'm going to complain about it.)
Net: $4.27 profit (-.05 tax)
Grand Net: $2.02 profit + $.82 profit + $4.27 profit - $.02 tax - $.02 tax - $.05 tax = $7.02 profit!
As an added bonus, I think this is enough to qualify me for the $20 Gift of Savings! *dances* Now if only I could get this good with other stores.
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