Friday, December 3, 2010

CVS - Another Late Post

I had ever intention of getting this done on Wednesday. Being that I had a good deal of car trouble (hopefully fixed?) I was unable to. Thursday is my long day and I was at work and paying for my car earlier today. *sighs* I'm also behind on budget posting & debt climbing. I will get to those after I finish with this.

Not much from CVS as of yet. (Shopped on Monday.) Friends & Family weekend is this weekend and I plan to take advantage of it. Normally our discount isn't that high so I might splurge on an item or two.

Complete Contact Solution $9.99
3 First Aid Travel Kits @ $.99 each = $2.97
Total Before Coupons: $12.96

$3/3 Johnson & Johnson first aid products (expired 11/30)
Total After Coupons: $9.99

$9.99 EB Complete


Also of note pictures for the free EOS Balm. Wish I had a better picture, but I only had my phone along with me.

Many stores have this located in the cough & cold aisle along with the other lip care items. One of the stores I work at has it up near the skin care. If you're not sure just as one of the CVS employees where the power wing is located.

1 comment:

  1. I posted my trip really late, too, this week. Thanks for linking up your CVS shopping trip at Simply CVS.
