Today was truck day! I love truck day as I know exactly what I'm going to be doing. Putting away skin care for at least 3 hours because so much fits in each totes, there is always a mess or two to clean up (three today!) and plenty of customers to ask questions. Okay . . . maybe four hours. LOL. I love being out on the floor doing something and being able to help people. You get to meet interesting people this way. ^_^
On with the shopping deals! On Friday when scanning my card at the coupon center (I usually do this every other day or so) I got another $3 off $10 groceries! I had planned on getting more Sobe, but wasn't sure what else to get. Being as I worked the next day I figured I would wait until we had two ads running at once. I figured I could add some $1 boxes of cookies to get my $10 total. *grins*

I bought:
2 Sobe @ $1.59 each = $3.18
2 Sobe FREE BOGO sale
4 Fig Newtons 8oz @ $1.00 each = $4.00
Orbit Gum $1.49
Total Before Coupons: $8.67
$3 off $10 grocery ($3.18 from the free Sobe counts toward total)
2 Sobe BOGO coupons $3.18 (Rain check for the rest of my coupons on hand)
2 $1/2 Nabisco Cookies or Crackers (I forget where I found this?)
Total After Coupons: $.49 (Yippee!)
Net: $.49 (- $.25 green bag tag)
Sunday afternoon I rounded up the goodies. Sweetheart is low on his coke so with the 12 packs coming in at $2.50 each after EB it's time to get him a small stash. With that in mind I ended up breaking this up into three transactions. I was going to get the Schick shaving cream as well, but didn't have the right coupon with me. Maybe Wednesday?

Trans 1:
Braches Candy Corn $.99
High Octane $1.99
Nivea Active 3 Body Wash $4.99
3 Reach Floss @ $.99 each = $2.97
3 Johnson & Johnson travel first aid @ $.99 each = $2.97
Total Before Coupons: $13.91
$3/3 Johnson & Johnson products (Adjust down to $2.97)
3 $1/1 Reach or Listerine product (Adjust down to $2.97)
$1/1 Nivea Men's Body Wash
Total After Coupons: $6.97
$.99 EB Braches (THREE DAYS ONLY!)
$1.99 High Octane (Monthly deal, can do twice but must be in separate transactions.)
$4.99 Nevea (Active 3 ONLY, so many confused people today.)
Net: $1.00 profit! + $.25 Green Bag Tag
Second Transaction:
Alive! Women's Energy 50 count $9.99
Total Before Coupons: $9.99
$1/1 Alive!
Total After Coupons: $8.99
$9.99 EB Alive!
Net: $1.00 profit (Used previous transaction EB to pay!)
Third & final Transaction:
4 Coke 12pk @ $3.25 each = $13.00
Total = $13.00 (no coke coupons)
$3.00 EB Coke
Net: $10.00 cost
Grand Net of All Transactions: $8.00
Not bad for all of that stuff. ^_^ Next stop Rite Aid! I hope it goes well.