Wednesday's Transaction:
4 Kotex 18ct @ $3.50 each = $14.00
4 U Kotex Liners 50ct @ $3.50 = $14.00
Total Before Coupons: $28.00
$5 off $25+ purchase
2 $1.50/2 Kotex Tampon ($3.00)
4 $1/1 U Kotex ($4.00)
Total After Coupons: $16.00 (Used $16 +up)
Received/Will Receive:
4 $3 +Up ($12!)
$10 GC SCR Kimberly Clark (buy $25+)
Net: $6.00 profit! Wasn't even really trying for it. Glad it worked out so well.
Today's transaction didn't got as well as I hoped. When I handed over my Quaker Oats coupon I was told they couldn't use it because it was for a 'box.' As I was being rung up by a manager there really wasn't much point in arguing. My Rite Aid happen to have the Campbell's Harvest Select, which is my favorite! They didn't ring up on sale so the manager went a head and modified them because they were marked on the shelf. I didn't realize 'til I got home that the +up for the soup didn't print. No surprise as it did not ring up on sale. *sighs* So I spent money at Rite Aid on stuff I had planned to get completely free. I've decided the oatmeal isn't that bad of a deal & I can donate it or make some no bake cookies for the holidays latter. Soup for $.50/can is an awesome deal! I'm usually lucky if I get these for $1 each.
Transaction 2:
2 Celestial Tea @ $1.99 each = $3.98
2 Quaker Oats 18oz @ $1.99 each = $3.98
2 Harvest Select Campbells Soup @ $1.50 each = $3.00
3 Listerine Zero 500ML @ $2.99 each = $9.97 (out of stock on Monday)
Advil Liquid Gels $5.29 (Needed about $5 more to use $5 off $25)
Total Before Coupons: $25.22
$5 off $25+ purchase
2 $1/1 Celestial Tea ($2.00)
2 $1/1 Harvest Select ($2.00)
3 $2/1 Listerine Zero ($6.00)
Total After Coupons: $10.22 (used $9 +up)
2 $1 +up Celestial Tea ($2.00)
2 $1 +up Quaker Oats ($2.00)
3 $1 +up Listerine Zero ($3.00)
Net: $3.22
Grand Net: $6.00 profit + $3.22 cost = $2.88 profit!
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