Saturday, July 30, 2011

CVS - Lots of Sales!

By the end of the day Sunday we had been cleaned out of almost all the really hot deals. My store doesn't normally see so many couponers in one day. I was sort of shocked! Luckily we got more items in on delivery so I could finally buy my deals. (I didn't forget my coupons this week!)

*Please note I did this in multiple transactions, but to simplify things I have it listed as one.

Bengay $6.29
Skintimate $2.19
Oral-B Floss $2.99
Renu Sensitive $7.89
2 Schick Quatro Disposable 3ct @ $9.79 each = $19.58
3 Soft Soap Foam @ $2.00 each = $6.00
U by Kotex Liners $3.49
Total Before Coupons: $45.44

$5/1 any one Bengay
$1.50/1 Skintimate Cream Shave (not shave cream . . . so close)
$1/1 Oral-B Floss
$2/1 Renu Sensitive (signed up at the manufacture web site)
$9.79 BOGO Schick Disposable
$2/1 Schick Disposable CVS coupon (From
2 $1/1 Soft Soap Foam (I'm out of ink, so I couldn't do three)
$1/1 U Kotex Liners
Total After Coupons: $21.15 + $.22 tax

$2 EB Bengay
$10 EB wyb $20 of selected products (Skintimate & Schick)
$6 EB Renu Sensitive
$3 EB wyb 3 selected soft soap items
$2 EB Kotex U
Net: $1.63 profit! (Good trip!)


  1. last week I totally missed out on CVS deals. And now im regretting it so bad!

  2. LOL. No worries. There will be other weeks.
