Here we go a whirlwind tour! I'm just going to simplify all of this because of time.
I had $12 +up expiring at the end of the week. I wanted to use them up super quick so I wouldn't have to worry about rushing out or fret over losing out on them. I have eared enough 'points' (ie spent enough money) to earn myself a 10% shopping pass. I just wanted to use it on the pads, but it took off $.03 extra from each Nivea. (The 10% price was better than the sale price. Cool!)
I had seen something about some of the box candies producing $1+up. It was tagged on the shelf, but no +up? I think perhaps it has something to do with the item being on sale for 2/$2. I've seen comments other places that if you buy two you get $1 +up. Not worth it for the hassle to return the item.
Total Before Coupons: $39.77
Coupons: $15.38 MQ & $5.00 RAQ
Total After Coupons: $19.39 (used $16.69 +up & $1.70 GC)
Received: $28.35 +up
Net: $8.86 profit
As the first Rite Aid only had one lonely tube of toothpaste I went to use some of my toothpaste coupons. There are so many days when I'm working that people come up and buy a large tube of toothpaste at full price. I always want to ask them "Are You Crazy! You could get this free?!" I don't think those customers would appreciate it much.
There was one customer this week who was buying some Halloween Decor. It was over $5 and I offered to show him the coupon center because of the Halloween coupon that was printing. He refused and didn't want to bother. He seemed very irritated that I even offered. I could hardly believe that someone didn't want to take a minute to save $5. Showing people how to use that machine is part of my job. To each their own I suppose.
Not pictured are two small bags of M&M. I bought them to use more +up and pay only $.04 OOP. I didn't bother with the GC.
Total Before Coupons: $32.14
Coupons: $3.00 MQ & $5.00 RAQ
Total After Coupons: $24.14 (used $24.10 +up & $.04 OOP)
Received: $31.14
Net: $7.00 profit
This is actually two CVS trips. The one was just the electric tea lights. These were counted as being a part of the Halloween Decor. The coupon center was giving everyone a $5 off Halloween costumes, decor or accessories. As 'accessories' are undefined my store made the decision to allow this coupon to be used for candy. So when I got a surprise today of this coupon for the second time this week I went ahead and grabbed Sweetheart's favorite candy of Reese's. (My personal favorite has got to be Snickers!) Yummy!
The raiser is free after coupon & extra bucks. I had bought one of these at some point, but we were out of the shaving cream. I held on to the coupon for just such a case and grabbed that as well. The Robitussin to Go packs were free after $2/1 coupon. (Sign up for e-mails online at the company site.) And the normal Renu was also completely free after extra bucks. No profit, nothing spent, so Just free! GO ME!
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